Diacorme's Mentor Application.
Usual character name: Hilde Rotham/Jericho Diacorme/Lotus Le Fay
BYOND username: Diacorme
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Diacorme#4862
Recommended by (if applicable): Angel
Goon servers you play: Goonstation 3 RP Morty.

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum): I've always been staggered by the ludicrous amount of content in this game; I've played pretty zealously since late 2020 and to this day I am still staggered by the raw amount of stuff one can do. Since day one I've always wanted to experience everything I could; the various wacky chemicals, the azones, the strange and confusing mechanics like Mechcomp and more. But as I've played I've met many others among the way that have become my primary source of information. And thus, as others have taught me, I constantly seek to teach others. I will always take the time to help/teach anyone who requires/simply wants it, and that will not change based on the outcome of this application. But if I could do it better, I'd like to. 

As for experience,

Over the year's I've played every department. I cannot claim to be the best in any of them, nor would I dare to be so bold as to try. But I've dove enough into each department to at least know what I can and cannot do within them.
- Medical, my strongest field. I've pretty in-depth knowledge of all medical chemicals and their applications both standard and esoteric. I know all surgeries by memory, and if memory slips I've made personnel notes about the various surgeries that one can perform outside of standard liver replacement. In-depth knowledge on what organs people need to be functional spacemen, or which ones they can live without, or what can be replaced with what. Robotics was my earliest venture into the game, so I'm well versed in all things Silicon. How to repair them, both manually and with the cyborg charging stations. How to customize cyborgs after they've been constructed, and the various things they need after being activated. Modules, Upgrades, The Works. As well as a pretty decent understanding of anything genetic; chromosomes and how to acquire them, various combinations of genes that will create more desired genes and which genes kill people when used improperly. Or properly depending on who you ask?

- Science. One of my weaker fields, I've a pretty firm grasp on Artlab and the various methods of which to activate artifacts, both with the machines and the more improvised methods such as chemical carbon and radium etc. As well as understanding Telescience and how to acquire the offsets for each round. Learned about the calculator long after I was taught the math and how to manually get the offsets. Chemistry is on the weaker side of my personal know-how, ultimately relying on perusing the wiki whenever I wanna make a funny chemical. I've never touched the Chemicompiler, though I have a firm grasp of most of the UI's involved around science. I lack bomb-making skills; Toxins has always been something I avoid since I only play RP and making bombs and appropriately using them is a bit difficult.

- Engineering. I know how to repair most structural problems, I know how to fix pipes. I'm aware of how to set up all engines minus nuclear. The engine class I'm most experienced with is the TEG. I can operate the Combustion Chamber, I know how to make a "Big-ulo". As well as the risks that come with operating any of the engines poorly. I've a very basic understanding of mechcomp, I don't know every component. I can't even set up a teleporter system. I also know some basic packets such as Superuser Access and door controls and what they can be used for. Though I understand the mechanical side of Scan - Fabricate - Build New One. Cargo is pretty simple, and Ive always had a decent understanding of how to flip the market for a quick credit. Selling Cigarettes, Fabric, Checking Gragg for Char. I've also done alot of mining and have a pretty strong grasp on their tools standard or nano-fabricated, the quantum telescope, how to fish for Starstones and Nanites if need be. As well as the various ores/materials and what they are considered in relation to fabrication.

- Command/Security. Sometimes these two overlap, so I'm overlapping them. Ive played the head roles alot, Cap, MDir, RD, CE, HoP. I've a pretty decent grasp on all of their tools and responsibilities. I know the three standard laws for the AI, I know how to reset them if need be. I know how Killswitches work. Ive used all of the computers within the bridge several times. I'm aware of all of their duties, and the chain of command and when it is applicable. On the security side, I've played it much less than the other departments. But I've been around long enough to gain a decent understanding of how they operate and function. I've used most of the weaponry both standard and armory; I've a decent understanding of general movements in and out of combat (which feels applicable in this section). Aiming, Blocking, the various things you get for doing so.

- Civilian. I can clean the floors, I can cook food. I've chaplained here and there. The most complex job within civilian is Botany(In my opinion), and that's only if you aim for the peak of botanical warfare. I've not reached that yet, but I know how to splice a few things here and there, and how to mutate plants that require infusions or potency/endurance minimums. Bartending is much like chemistry, I know how to decorate, I know the various drinks, courtesy of the Wiki. And I've been clown several times. Custom pies, Banana Peels, Buttbomb Mouse Traps. Lastly, Rancher. I have not played this role all that much; Though I do have a very limited experience on how to aim for the various types of tiers.

- AI/Cyborg. I've played many a round as the Silicons. As AI, I know the laws and what is expected of me within them. I know many of the hotkeys to bolt/electrify/turn apcs on and off etc. I can set solars, interact with computer and the various programs within. I'm experienced with the controls such as Viewpoints, Announcements, changing my name to something funny, holograms and the various work-arounds to the obvious problem of lacking hands. With Cyborg, I'm aware of all the modules and the various things one can do with them, such as constructing new rooms, acting as a stand-in bartender. Medical Doctoring and how surgeries work as a silicon. And I know when players are to be classified as human/non-human. 

-Antags. I've antagonized many times, I've been wrestlers, salvagers, arcfiends, wraiths, spies, traitors and vampires. Been werewolves a few times too. I know the unique controls that come with these special roles. I know the extent of their abilities and the various counters to each one. Smes to Arcfiend, sunglasses/chaplain to Vampires, Salt to Wraith. I have a pretty firm understanding of most traitor items.

In conclusion,

I've played alot of this game. I never expected this game to give me as much enjoyment as it has. Same goes to the Goonstation Community; I never truly understood what I was getting into when I started playing the farty space game. This community of people have given me countless hours of fun, I've gained friends that I hang out with outside of SS13. And I'd really like to give back if given the chance. Anyone who's taken the time you read through this whole thing, Thank you for your time. I wish you a wonderful day/night. Sorry for any formatting issues or odd choices on my part; I'm not as experienced with forums as I am with the game.

And Finally,
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None. Though I've gotten talked to a few times about some of my less proud moments.

Messages In This Thread
Diacorme's Mentor Application. - by Ragemorrow - 04-09-2023, 06:51 PM
RE: Diacorme's Mentor Application. - by Soleil - 04-10-2023, 03:34 AM
RE: Diacorme's Mentor Application. - by Cal - 04-11-2023, 04:16 AM
RE: Diacorme's Mentor Application. - by Munien - 04-17-2023, 03:12 AM
RE: Diacorme's Mentor Application. - by Slazenger - 04-26-2023, 09:32 PM
RE: Diacorme's Mentor Application. - by Tarmunora - 05-05-2023, 06:39 PM

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