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ANOTHER Artifact Thread? (>")>
(03-31-2023, 08:30 AM)Kamikaze Mongoose Wrote: Surgery Arts
  •  Let surgery arts draw from the same pool as that one faustian contract that randomizes your limbs occasionally. There's a MASSIVE amount of limbs you can get from it that you pretty much never see, it would fit perfectly with surgery arts!

I really prefer limb replacement over organ replacement, since synth or cyber organs can already be produced on the station and having funky limbs is immediately apparent.

Haven't seen the contract limbs tbh, but if they're what they sound like (useless limbs) then why not? Have the more useful limbs be even more of a treat and oddity to see, and laugh at the man with arms for legs. This artifact could certainly use some potential downsides.

(03-31-2023, 08:30 AM)Kamikaze Mongoose Wrote: Implanters
  • Radiation bursts
  • Random chemical production (similar to the very rare mutation)
  • Radio channel(s)

This needs more direction, since implanters are based on a specific type of artifact and this doesn't fit the remaining two types, martian or precursor. They also aren't dramatic enough, like changing your species or instagibbing you, though that can be easily changed. Heres an idea based on radiation but also needs more direction to martain or precursor as well:
  • Positive: After being irradiated enough, gain a specific positive gene and severely reduce the radiation levels in the user. Most common being radiation resist, can be enhanced or stablized.
  • Gimmick: Randomly glow green and start fooling nearby equipment that you're impossibly irradiated (geiger counters go NUTS, medical readings show radiation into the hundreds, maybe gene analyzers even show random mutations that aren't there)
  • Negative: Upon receiving a certain level of radiation, you're rapidly flooded with a random chemical until you reach the chemical cap and are gibbed, spraying the room in said chemical.

(03-31-2023, 08:30 AM)Kamikaze Mongoose Wrote: Wishgranters
  •  As a nod to Adventure Time, the ability to waste your wish by asking for sandwiches (delicious or poisonous sandwiches spawn) 
  • Wishing for more wishes (a random and extremely painful death every single time)
  • Asking for eternal life will turn you into a hostile zombie mob (player loses control) or..... (I need help thinking of a positive wish)

I feel like wishgranters are in a pretty good spot right now, giving endless wealth or superpowers at the risk of perma-death (if puritan) is simple and easy to understand. 

Though side idea, what if you could just say these specific wishes out loud, like have secret wishes? You already say your wish out loud, just try stuff out and see what works! Maybe get the artifact angry if you keep saying bad wishes.

(03-31-2023, 08:30 AM)Kamikaze Mongoose Wrote: EDIT 2: Was discussing with Noot the ability to wrench down gas emitters to air hookups. If we had emitters that gave oxygen and a comfortable temperature level like heaters did, it would be quite lovely. That or infinite n2o flooding medbay, thats cool too.

That sounds fantastic, but I'm torn on this. On the one hand, endless oxygen or other gasses that engineers can fool around with in the engine! I don't need to toss an artifact into space right away! On the other hand, medbay is now burning hot from gasses nobody can see and people keep running in and nearly burning to death.

That stuff's hard enough to handle in the artlab, what happens when it floods an area as large as medbay without an engineer on point? There's no limit on the gas either so who knows what could happen if nobody catches on in time (other than a shuttle call ofc)

Messages In This Thread
RE: ANOTHER Artifact Thread? (>")> - by Dhaidburt - 03-31-2023, 03:04 PM
RE: ANOTHER Artifact Thread? (>")> - by Zamujasa - 04-02-2023, 01:56 PM
RE: ANOTHER Artifact Thread? (>")> - by Kotlol - 04-02-2023, 02:12 PM
RE: ANOTHER Artifact Thread? (>")> - by JanusRose - 04-05-2023, 03:49 PM

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