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New botany plant that acts like a cloner but turns peopleinto kudzupeople
Ehh, I'm not so sure about this one. Given that a lot of people DESPISE kudzu and treat kudzu people as antagonists (even though they aren't), this probably wouldn't go over very well with the rest of the community.

Friendly reminder that botany can make Strange Reagent using lifeweed, garlic, and the Mutagenic Formula that they start with. Just get a way of shocking people, plus some medical supplies that you've grown, and you'll be able to revive people and nurse them back to full health. The hardest part is getting something that shocks people, but if you snag the device scanner that spawns outside of cargo and make a copy of the defibrillator that spawns in Medbay, you'll be fully equipped for necromantic activities.

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RE: New botany plant that acts like a cloner but turns peopleinto kudzupeople - by RelentlessGarbage - 03-29-2023, 05:30 AM

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