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Janitor's handheld vacuum in cargo Janitorial Supplies
The handheld vacuum is by far my favorite piece of jany equipment to use, and the fact that the only way to get it is to start out as a janitor is frustrating to me. No way to craft it, to order it, to get it from even from any office or janitech (hacked or not). So that any janitors who change from staff assistant (or any other job) to janitor can have one, I say let's have cargo be able to order one alongside the other general equipment.

I feel like being able to order them would let other departments get in on the fun, like medbay being able to take care of a miasma problem without resorting to copious amounts of charcoal (I know 'mulch the body' is the response, but if there's too many bodies you're gonna have some miasma) or science if a gas artifact is shooting out something interesting that you want as a chemical. Not something you'd want every shift, but a nice option to have nonetheless.

It also means quartermasters have control over their supply just like spray bottles.

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Janitor's handheld vacuum in cargo Janitorial Supplies - by Dhaidburt - 03-28-2023, 05:32 PM

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