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Emagged Bots Ideas
Gas clouds are implemented for a very particular type of emagged medibot, but that's besides the point.

Also, an emagged securitron that sets people to arrest means that you just emagged the entire securitron AND guardbuddy fleet with a single click. Maybe as a beepsky-only triple emag thing it would work? I'd find it hilarious if beepsky just got tired of getting emagged so he just started stealthily flagging for arrest everyone NOT commiting crimes.

Messages In This Thread
Emagged Bots Ideas - by Kamikaze Mongoose - 03-24-2023, 01:03 PM
RE: Emagged Bots Ideas - by Kotlol - 03-24-2023, 05:48 PM
RE: Emagged Bots Ideas - by StaringGasMask - 03-28-2023, 12:48 PM
RE: Emagged Bots Ideas - by Wisemonster - 03-29-2023, 02:41 PM

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