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Ghost Critters can do things that maybe they shouldn't be able to
Ghost Drones are made to fix the station cheaply, but I do agree ghost critters should be able to make small messes or minimal interacting.

I am fine with keeping them in, but I think ghost drones should be able to do this too in some capacity as the difference between ghost drone and ghost critter is simple.

AS A GHOST CRITTER YOU DO NOT SET YOURSELF AS DNR! So you can still be cloned / borged while being a ghost critter. (The critter will simply vanish from the game)
When you ghost drone, you give up being a player to be a ghost drone for the rest of the round. SO YOU ARE SET TO DNR.

There is a reason not many people like playing as ghost drones anymore and prefer becoming ghost critters. As you are able to interact more as a critter then a drone without the downsides of locking yourself out of cloning.
Also it's considered "fine" to be slightly disruptive as a critter where as a ghost drone being disruptive even a lil is worthy of an ahelp.

The reason while critters can prank is their PAHETIC health pool and loose rule set.
Remember they can just prank, not disrupt, steal or harm others.

So I figured I'd add this stuff.
Also fun fact... ghost critters and ghostdrones can drive the cargo tugs.

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RE: Ghost Critters can do things that maybe they shouldn't be able to - by Kotlol - 03-23-2023, 04:55 AM

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