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[Rancher and Ghost Idea] Ghosts should able to chickens
(03-22-2023, 08:54 AM)Kotlol Wrote:
(03-22-2023, 08:43 AM)TheNoobOne Wrote: I don't have too much experience about the game. I played 5-6 round Rancher at different times. Other Ranchers doesn't even know about Ageinium. In discord Admin told me such a thing is exist. If i'm rancher i dont wanna ask scientists dude to make them for me tbh. Again it takes too much time to get 3rd generation chicken.

Agenium is a secret chem. So the chemistry section needs to know how to make it and you need to know how to apply it correctly to chickens.
Rancher on classic is much harder, but you could try raising a chicken on solo play and learn how to do it effectively.

OR go on RP where you got 90 mins insted of 60.

But if you say: "I don't wanna ask science to do chemistry"
That's too bad.. since that's one of the things in game. You gotta ask other players to help with your bigger and more complex projects.
LET ALONE THE FACT SCIENCE HAS A "CHEM REQUEST" CONSOLE NOW! (Though it's only base chemistry.. but if you learn the secret chem, you can make it)

Imagine if a meteor hits your ranch, breaching it. You gotta bother Engineering to fix it, but they won't know since they are mech-comping.

If you aren't going to communicate in this game.. you will not get far in a round.

And yes Ranching is tedious long and hard... but it's what it is.

One more thing:
You can also ask the bartender to help with this as they have their own chemistry dispenser. Maybe they can brew some too.
Also one more thing... The bartender has about the same chem acces as science
As my experience if ranch zone hit by a meteor basicly im doing something else rather than rise chicken. People most like to have fun in the game they don't follow these things you mention especially antags.  Im be like "hey dude im rising chicken dont kill me" while half of station got destroyed  big grin big grin big grin

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RE: [Rancher and Ghost Idea] Ghosts should able to chickens - by TheNoobOne - 03-22-2023, 10:07 PM

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