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[CLOSED PR] Removes numbers from health scanners on RP
I think the change is alright for the outside booths and the sleeping booths, but not the hand analyzers. Maybe if the numbers were an upgrade, I would be more behind the change, but as it stands, it is change just to make life harder for the doctors to treat people. If, presay I got 5 people all very hurt, and I am the only doctor, I need the numbers to know who needs treatment first, while the others can wait. Further more, just having the words, with no way around it, feels like making someone do a style of RP that they may not want to, some people like the extra RP, others want to treat the person so they can get back to what they where doing. Which is why it should be optional for people to have the words, or the numbers. In a form like a upgrade for the analyzers, so people can keep the numbers, while others can have the words. This is just how I feel about it

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RE: [PR] Removes numbers from health scanners on RP - by Freekingamer - 03-19-2023, 06:47 AM

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