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Encourage nuke-op communication on the Caringorn
I assume everyone's experienced or heard of the operatives who rush out a few minutes in at the dismay of their team and arm the nuke. It's no fun when the team antag has people who don't communicate, rush in, and fail once no one agrees on what to do!
In my opinion/experience, the most frequent cause of "flukies" is when none of the operatives discuss the plan effectively, some team members miss out on the details (maybe they're wrestling Oppenheimer in another room for the rocket launcher), and then everything falls into chaos the minute they leave the podbay.

My idea is to make sure that the operatives can communicate with each other on the Caringorn, regardless of where they are. This would be (somewhat) easy to implement, and then operatives could get geared up while discussing their point of entry and such. I do have a couple of ideas on how to do this:
- Allow the commander to lock all the operatives in a room so that they pay attention, or plan and then give some form of briefing after everyone is geared up.
- Lock the ops in for a minute or two roundstart so they have to talk. The commander can remove the lock if everyone is ready, or maybe only the commander can do it. (No auto-unlock may create an issue where the commander is SSD, crashed, doesn't know how, etc..)
- My favorite and simplest idea: Turn on microphones on the operatives, or add intercoms to the Caringorn. 
(Perhaps add floating text over the intercoms so they cannot miss it.)

The three of those ideas revolve around one concept: Making sure that the operatives, for some length of time, are going to communicate with each other to decide their strategy before they carry it out. What do you all think could help operatives communicate best with each other?

Messages In This Thread
Encourage nuke-op communication on the Caringorn - by Meggal Bozale - 03-16-2023, 03:10 PM

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