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Event Idea: (Almost) Autonomous Station
One problem borgs have is the fact that they are stuck with the tools they got, cannot pick up items and such, cannot induldge in chems, have limited fashion choices and a less fun way to meassure their health. Oh right and they have to sit in charger once in a while.

Also your mode has A LOT OF FLAWS.
The idea while cool... has one major problem...

The AI.
Depending on wich side the AI is... gives a massive problem for the other.

AI rogue?
The AI can spam electrifiy all doors... can see all humans in a flash and report them out (if cameras not cut), can litterly access any console in sight. Can break all lights with each APC and so on. The AI is exudingly dangerous as a rogued element... and before you say: "But rogue'd AI's can stopped easily... I seen it before..."
Yea true, but ... you can fix a rogued AI by removing the module... but when the AI is truely rogued like this.. It will be a nightmare going to kill it.

AI Not rogued?
Well the antagonist borgs will not have a fun time fighting the AI and the AI will then be targeted 1st. Let alone the spamming of unbolt/unelectrifiy.

Now let's add one more factor. "Door shennigans" Since both borgs can undo bolts and apply bolts... it will just be a constant tug of a war between good and evil borgs messing with doors...

Soooo... you got something a lot of players do not enjoy playing, you got the AI to think about and how it effects the round, you got the round mostly devolving into "Door wars"

Messages In This Thread
RE: Event Idea: (Almost) Autonomous Station - by Kotlol - 03-12-2023, 05:00 AM

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