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Security inventory scanners
When you get arrested by security, for crime or not, you wanna be in security for as little time as possible. So it can be annoying to watch your arrester rummage through your items, taking forever, or even leaving your items on the floor.

But what if security didn't have to take off backpacks and rummage through a person's inventory? That's where the inventory scanners would come in, slap a cuffed person in a pod much like genesci has and it will allow the officer to see each and every item the person has.

After that the officer could click on the items they want to remove and they would pop out with no action bar for the officer to take to a vault. Maybe even press a button to send the arrested into the brig.

This would reduce the time arrested people would have to stay in the brig. Plus make it easier for an officers to search and brig. Sounds like an overall less annoying experience to me.

Messages In This Thread
Security inventory scanners - by NanoDano - 02-23-2023, 10:13 PM
RE: Security inventory scanners - by Kotlol - 02-24-2023, 04:39 AM
RE: Security inventory scanners - by KikiMofo - 02-24-2023, 02:26 PM
RE: Security inventory scanners - by Frank_Stein - 02-24-2023, 03:15 PM
RE: Security inventory scanners - by UrsulaMejor - 02-24-2023, 03:20 PM

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