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Cocktail Suggestions Megathread!
I suggested this in the SA thread, but I'll add on to it here:

Give Moonshine a shitload of special, awesome cocktails it can make which replicate chem effects. Or, basically, just make it so moonshine acts as a special reagent which can create a bunch of chems through normal bar ingredients. So mixing Moonshine with Motor Oil would make a combinaton of Space Lube and Acid, like in traitor cleaning grenades. Mixing Moonshine with charcoal gives you Black Powder, Moonshine and Cola gives you cryoxadone, etc.

This gives a traitor bartender a whole shitton of new options, but you can only make so much with it before you run out of moonshine. Easier to do a special bartender gimmick with mixed drinks since you no longer have to break into chemistry to mix up fun things. Not super powerful because it's just streamlining things a good chemist can do anyway, and there's a limited amount of them.

Also, Rum and Milk should give you the RR Martini. "The taste of milk and rum mingles in your mouth. You have never tasted anything so fine and sweet and good."

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