Mentor App- eggcereal (Litol Guy, Aiden Caster)
(01-28-2023, 10:22 AM)LuciliusMothboy Wrote: Quincy is very friendly and generally good at teaching. They're generally a positive presence in the community on discord, and are fun to interact with in game, although I do worry, as a friend of theirs, that they cling a bit too much to people they already know OOC out of anxiety, and need to branch out a little more in respects to new players and learn not to be as timid of newer faces. I'd probably say a +0.5 or maybe hesitant +1. They have some things they could work on, but in general I think they'd make a good Mentor, + I know applications take a while, and I trust them to take this advice well.  Sleeping bee

I appreciate you taking the time to comment! I understand the concern, I don't like imposing advice on anyone who don't seem to want it. It feels a bit like backseating to me, OOC knowing someone makes it easier to tell when help is being requested.
The idea of mhelps and appearing to people as a little mouse when they ask for it takes the anxiety out of a large portion of it. Especially if I'm playing a job that wouldn't have the required knowledge to help. o7 I will keep this in mind going forward. It's something I'll continue to work on for sure.

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RE: Mentor App- eggcereal (Litol Guy, Aiden Caster) - by eggcereal - 01-28-2023, 11:38 AM

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