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Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk)
I posted this in the SA ss13 thread, but I thought I'd post it here;

Quote:About the cloak;

Instead of screaming "REMOVE IT!!!" why not balance it?

I like the idea of a self-recharging battery, but I think if it weren't a large enough charge it would just become a huge fucking pain and doom it to the unused section of the traitor items - just like how it used to be when it didn't fit in your pockets. If it were to go to a self-recharging type thing, I think it would be appropriate for it to charge fairly slow but have a charge around five minutes long. If it takes about the same amount of time or even double that time would be good.

Another option would be to make a cloak detectable by more objects, or even make the objects that DO detect cloaks work better. T-ray scanners do indeed reveal cloakers but they flash in and out of existence so quickly you can hardly do shit about it anyway. They should be changed so if any cloaker is within the t-ray area they should be unaffected for a brief amount of time before the t-ray disrupts the cloak and the cloak actually physically turns off. This would make people with t-ray's immune to being stabbed in the back with a saber, but can still be shot or have something thrown at them by an unseen foe. I feel that the t-ray should turn off the cloak because the rays are jumbling the cloaks refracting power, and short circuiting it.

Flashes USED to reveal cloaks, but I'm pretty sure this was removed. I feel like that should be undone. This method was useful for security guards that hadn't grabbed a t-ray scanner and knew there was a cloaker about. I don't think this method should turn off a cloak, just make it not work breifly - since I feel like the reason this ever worked is because the cloak can't keep up with the bright flashing light.

It'd be neat if there was a PDA cart that had the sonar ability like pods do. This would allow you to at the very least know if there is some unseen force near you. I'll come up with other stuff later.

Also - cloaks aren't that good to begin with. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you know there is a cloaker and you know he's murdering people - don't go out in open spaces. Stay in small areas where there is only a one or two wide gap and stay there until the cloaker is dead or comes to you. You can even put glass shards in your doorway and you'll hear the crunch noise and know they walked over it. I've caught/killed plenty of cloakers without having the ability to see them just by getting them into a one wide area where I KNOW they have to pass through and shooting at that area. The cloak shuts off after damage is done to them or they get tased, and the damage needed to do that is pretty small.

Further, most likely the cloaker is in the middle of murdering someone if you stumble upon them. Instead of staying and trying to save the person being murdered, book it. Run somewhere where the cloaker feels that they are over extending themselves. Run out into space and have a brief space walk - the cloaker most likely will turn around and go back to what they were doing before going on a station wide chase for one dude in assistant garb. Also remember just because they are invisible doesn't mean they can't be hit by things and can't step of things. Throw glass shards and move crazily around, maybe you'll get lucky and hit them a few times to slow them down. Put down mousetraps with foam grenades or crowd dispersal grenades to slip them up. Do stuff instead of submitting to the pain.

e: Also, the cloak effect could be changed to be similar to that of the ground cloaker, where you can vaguely see the object being cloaked but can't right click it or hit it.

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