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Engineering borg-grade RCD for engineers
Or you can give a RCD that can only build things, not demolish things to avoid easy breaches.

There are also tools that allow you to mark walls and floors for meson goggles.
It was in the construction worker kit.. why not bring that back and these limited RCD's can only build there with that tool.
Or it's already there and "construction areas" (like in Donut 3) can only be used with these RCD's.
But.. if it's emagged or a specific "Hacked traitor" RCD will be added that can ignore these restrictions, but will still have limited matter.
With only the CE/EVA RCD being a "TRUE" one or the "BORG ONES"

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RE: Engineering borg-grade RCD for engineers - by Kotlol - 01-11-2023, 06:46 AM

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