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A simple (?) suggestion regarding the Reagent Extractor
Basicly put it's clunky cause Botany ain't suppose to be chemistry.

There is in total 3 places where you can work on chemistry.
"The Bar/kitchen"
"Medbay's Chemistry" (I forgot the name)
"Science's Chemistry"

If botany gets chemistry... we might as well give ENGINEERING chemistry and SECURITY chemistry.
Cause Security needs it to investigate chemical compounds, make luminol and make tear gas.
Engineering needs it, because at this point every place needs chemistry.

So no.. there are ENOUGH places to request chemistry/request access to.

Cause I KNOW what will happen if botany gets their perfect chemistry set and it won't be fun.
If you need chems or chems seperation.. go to any of these 3 places.

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RE: A simple (?) suggestion regarding the Reagent Extractor - by Kotlol - 12-19-2022, 04:41 AM

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