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about stable mutagen, polymorph gene and some possible changes
Poly is mostly just annoying, being able to mutadone them to revert their identity if needed would be great, though that sounds like a nightmare to code.

SM is a bit more commonly loathed and would be solved entirely by adding a way to get your identity back. I'm all onboard with the blood bank concept, just something optional at medbay you can get done if you're concerned about your identity being changed. I'm aware you could technically just do this by giving the MDir a syringe of your blood, but a dedicated terminal or functionality in the cloner or genetics lab would provide an actual mechanic for it, and maybe encourage SM usage more as people turning back after some time could create its own confusion.

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RE: about stable mutagen, polymorph gene and some possible changes - by CalliopeSoups - 12-06-2022, 09:11 AM

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