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Present security culture on rp (followup)
As an actual security/detective player who has played ALOT of security over the last 2 years I can say this.

1: You don't execute someone over killing another or tricking killing another. It ends the antagonists round. Remember.. RP doesn't have MID ROUND ANTAG SPAWNS.
They have sleeper agents wich do not have fun tools of engagement.

2: You are the law, but also trying to cause a fun RP round for yourself and others. Simply batoning and brigging someone for 15 mins for attempted man slaughter is minimal activity.... and boring for security and antagonist, even during high stress rounds.

3: Security isn't there to just smack antagonists or law breakers. They can interact with others, solve disputes and even escort dangerous cargo or remove dangerous artifacts. These are things people don't seem to know. Detective especially can snoop on every department if they have a hunch.

4: Every antagonist has a 3 strike system. It's what most us veterans follow.
If someone is caught having syndicate contraband? You don't arrest them, you verbally warn them about the contraband or ticket them. Cause if you confiscate it... it kinda can end their RP and gimmick around it. Let alone sometimes contraband shows up anyway.
If someone has commited a murder? TWO STRIKES! Give them a long 5 min brigging, if they attempt again... execution or borging or banishment.
If someone assaulted another? One strike. Brig em for a minute.
Someone sabotaged? One strike.

5: There are exceptions to the "rules" where the HoS or Security or Captain iniates execution from the get-go.
For example, if an antagonist/player is simply trying to do damage to the station or murder without much RP and keeps getting away. It gets tiring for security to deal with it, so lethals are turned on. No one likes a silent bomber.
It depends on how much a nuisance the antagonist is... but here's the thing.. it only counts for a SINGLE ANTAGONIST.
If all antags that round are RPing and having fun.. security just executing them with what normally is a low stress round and let go... is unfair to that round's antag.

6: Always try to present options for the antagonist to follow a different story. Try to start a trial, try to have the rivalry with that antagonist, try suggesting therapy and such. Aka try to interact and engage. Even if it's a changeling murdering people....

7: Any non human confirmed (Changeling, Vampire , zombie or Arcfiend) doesn't have to murder on sight despite the rules saying it's okay.
Insted try to gauge if they are good or evil... learn their gimmick...
An arcfiend sucking energy can just be warned.
A changeling drugging players can just be interrogated.
A vampire drinking blood from a bag can be warned.
A zombie being all bloody and creepy can be told.
The moment they escalate is the moment you must act. Sure we could have arrested them for it, but that ruins the RP immidently. Sometimes these antags want to be known as they are for their RP insted of playing it stealthily.

ANd finally
8: Security may play aggresive mall cops and bust botany for weed under orders of the captain.
In the end.. security is also a RP role and while they have to fight antags as part of their job to stop damage and murder...
They can also be any type of officer they like as long as they don't cause human harm or falsely arrest someone (unless the other player gives PERMISSION in LOOC)

Heck one of the fun rounds I gave security was the fact I banned weed and meth from the station as a captain (I mostly use this so antags can give a reason to riot or interact to turn the crew against me) and LOOC the HoS , me and botany planned that botany will ignore orders and security would raid a foritified botany with tons of weed for security to bust.

So yes.. even during chaotic rounds... security will try to stick to these guidelines to give equal oppertunity to each antagonist on the station.
It would just suck for 1 antagonist being executed for murder, because 4 others are causing chaos. When normally they would be let go any other shift.
It's not THEIR fault every antagonist is doing stuff... (unless it's conspirators)

Insted I suggest that if command hits the "emergency button" is when security should just impose a two strike system insted and execute players if they done too much.

Also frontier law is not the book of space law the security officers can get.

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RE: Present security culture on rp (followup) - by Kotlol - 11-22-2022, 05:08 AM

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