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Present security culture on rp (followup)
A follow-up to an hour long conversation I had with several folks on the discord. I am bringing my present criticisms of the current security culture on RP, specifically it struggling to deal with high stress rounds. I've played quite a few rounds at this point, as both Antag, silicon's, security and command, and generally speaking security does not adjust how harsh it is or it's punishments to reflect the current situation on the station.

I've witnessed HOS's let people go free after being verified multi murderers (alongside a string of either serious tier crimes like grand sabotage), in the middle of a round where a sarin bombing occured, a spy thief deployed a syndicate sawfly grenade (that nearly killed 2 sec offs), and a third person who was actively sabotaging the station including trying to rogue me as ai and nearly successfully murdered a sec off. This isn't the only example and this discussion I had reflected the sentiment both amongst some sec players and regular crew that sometimes harsher means are the go to. When sec is letting someone who actively murders or attacks crew go, they are burdenening the round of other people. Even an admin chimed in saying that this is probably a good bit too lax and a few others expressed similar sentiments. 

This was a high stress rounds for most of the station yet sec was letting people off like it was just a once off incident. Some sec players complained to me that there was not really a hard set of rules or advice to follow, space law being badly outdated for example. But as it turns out, there is actually a treatis exactly for RP, that is explicitly intended to guide RP. And it was an eye opener, minor crimes could get up to 5 mins Brig time and major crimes could get 15 mins or more serious punishments! The name of this text is frontier justice. This text is very much likely not known by a majority of HOS players or sec in general, but the scope of what you are allowed to do is incredibly eye opening. Remember, this is a space law book explicitly written for the context of RP. Security needs to remember that killing or borging very active antags is a necessary control mechanism, that is apart of the games design (it's why late join antags and other related features exist). 

Now, there are more examples I know personally of sec being too lax (including when I'm Antag), but I'd like folks to add them here, and I especially hope HOS and sec mains express their opinions, objections, counter points etc here to drive a conversation on this, ultimately I think for most rounds sec culture is actually fine! It's failings are exposed when the station is in chaos, but most rounds are calm enough that this is not an issue. I suspect one of the conclusions of this conversation will be that frontier justice may need a bit of an update but hopefully becomes a much more directly referenced text in game. 

Your's truly, Selna

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Present security culture on rp (followup) - by arcticmog - 11-21-2022, 08:57 PM

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