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Of Flocks and Blobs - Quarantine / Shuttle Calls
(11-08-2022, 06:07 AM)Cal Wrote: Nah. If you cause. A shuttle call as a blob, you won.

That's not the point to me though, winning/green-text isn't the whole point of the game. It's about participating in the gamemode and actually playing it. In practice I will legitimately see people say "Blob at X" after it's been alive for two minutes, and call a shuttle.

It's not about the greentext, that might as well not even be a round.

I wouldn't feel good if I rolled Werewolf and nobody at all interacted with me at all and they just ended the round and said "You win." That's just kind of lame. I feel like it's taking away the agency of the antagonist. It's along the same lines of "I didn't roll antag, so restart, I don't care if it deprives other antags of their rounds." I feel like I will get a lot of people disagreeing with me and saying I am exagerrating a bit. Especially because I am very aware that blob is far from a lot of peoples favorites, so they are happy to just give up and quit.

I just think it's unfair to the blob. Usually blob-shuttle calls aren't "Forced" because it's winning, it's immediately happening just by virtue of the blob existing at all and nobody feeling like fighting a blob. Imagine if on Rev rounds, the shuttle was immediately called so it can be cut short. That's lame, isn't it? There is a reason Rev rounds prevent the shuttle call. It forces people to actually play the gamemode. (And trust me, I hate revs a lot, but I stick through it for the sake of the spirit of the game.)

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RE: Of Flocks and Blobs - Quarantine / Shuttle Calls - by TheMaskedMan2 - 11-08-2022, 02:15 PM

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