Complaint Mexicat, Morty RP, 22/11/7, 7:25 pm ast
I just typed a long response for my computer to RUDELY crash and delete it so here is the short

1) Is it possible the warning was sent after round ended and I was off the server? I remember the burger moment well as it was my first time seeing it, it was during escape shuttle before it landed and I got off after. I didn't see it when I next logged into game either.

2) Honky tonic was a server issued quest. On the wikipedia ( it had no mention of being toxic when the wiki usually would mention any toxin or brute. it is trial and error learning on such an old game when the wikipedia isn't kept under review.

3) I'm not here to dispute the ban just to make a complaint.The moderation feels inconsistent because I've been brutalized by non antags with no text exchanged ( such as the fed girl who tried to kill me with a wrench in response) and it feels like unless one make a report it's unseen. 
I don't expect you to have crystal balls but every escape shuttle has non antags murdering others before round end and it's just a normal tuesday. I tried asking a mentor if it's against the rules or not for non antags to fight before round end when I observed a game for round end and saw the shuttle command had been murdered and broken into by the rest of the shuttle. They couldn't answer me and suggested I went higher up to ask. This is evident that the rules are so inconsistent that even a mentor doesn't know them.

TLDR: To expect players to try to navigate an unsteady path without tripping is unreasonable.

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RE: Mexicat, Morty RP, 22/11/7, 7:25 pm ast - by JenTheCat - 11-08-2022, 02:10 PM

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