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[MERGED PR] Nadir changeling rebalance: near-total immunity to aqua tenebrae
(10-29-2022, 10:36 PM)Zafhset Wrote: Honestly, Nadir's design around the acid ocean is deliberate - can we stop encouraging changes where only the crew has to deal with it in full while antags don't?

Having to change your playstyle or approach to antagging is a good thing. You can play as the free spacing ling on all space maps, while on oshan and nadir you have both sides being able to free walk outside or not at all.

While I typically agree with this in that "Why does nobody have to deal with the acid except for the crew?" I disagree for lings. This isn't a random change for changelings, they always had immunity to exterior problems. I'd agree that it's weird Nukies and etc are immune to the acid but Changelings kinda always- I just feel like it makes sense for them. They're immune to space, immune to water, and immune to acid.

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RE: [PR] Nadir changeling rebalance: near-total immunity to aqua tenebrae - by TheMaskedMan2 - 11-06-2022, 12:43 AM

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