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cogblap v0.98 | beta testing will be happening occasionally
Changed a bunch of stuff around in the brig:

[Image: Y02mK.jpg]

Got rid of the space-side cells, brought back General Population for non-traitors. Cycling button-controlled airlock for entry-exit. Shower with prisoner access as a weak point that guards can't see so well, pen and paper in the cell for prisoners to hold up notes to the AI. Arcade machine inside to keep prisoners entertained, maybe they'll win a prize that can be used to piss off the guards or escape. Only one window-door now, for handing snacks into the prisoners - if tabled at the right time, you might be able to jump out that way. Talking with coders about implementing PDA alerts to all security PDAs of changes to arrest statuses, a reminder when prisoners are due to be released, and a PDA alert if a jailbbreak alarm is pulled in the brig.

Replaced western cell with a contraband storage room, moved segway storage back inside the brig - western side.

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