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Added toggle on rp to turn off needs message spam
I think toggling them off completely would sorta just... defeat their point? but as is the messages are very very aggressive. Maybe just toning down the frequency of them a touch and decreasing the threshold of when they start appearing? I also think generally hygiene should degrade a bit slower, since its also the one that will instantly skyrocket the moment you step near a puddle of blood. You shouldn't have to shower 6 times a shift if you aren't being covered in blood every few minutes.

Or just add more showers to maps (*Cough Atlas *Cough). or deodorant to help lower its rate of decay, but have it cost like 30 credits and need to be re-applied every once in a while. Slap it in a med vendor, make a discount dan's version that also applies random chems (like pro-puffs) or has a chance to increase stink instead.

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RE: Added toggle on rp to turn off needs message spam - by GrungoFlorbit - 10-27-2022, 01:39 AM

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