09-25-2013, 05:28 PM
MyBlueCorners Wrote:I'm not suggesting this as the end-all solution to this problem, but if you type out the 'point' verb as you would 'say' in the input box, it will autocomplete whatever item name you begin typing if you are specific enough.This is nice but I'd prefer a more complete form of tab completion. That is, typing S and hitting tab will cycle through all commands that start with "s". This might not be possible in BYOND so if it isn't that sucks, but that'd be nice.
for example, if I type : 'poi[space] tase[space] ' It will be the same as if I had typed 'point taser-gun'
Anyway having shift-click to point to things would be nice. Really I would like more hotkeys, particularly in WASD-mode. O for OOC chat, 1/2/3 for cyborg tool selection, Z to open up backpack maybe?, theres a lot that involves mouse usage that would be great if they could be bound to keys.