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Yet another discussion on wizard changes
(10-19-2022, 10:45 PM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: Im completely against #3.

Most of SS13 marvel comes from interacting with different systems of the game. And most are tech based
You would effectively lock wizards out of most gimmicks they could do by combining spells and tech. You would lock them even more into rampaging.

Whenever wizards cone up, my stance on them us pretty simple :

They don't need new mechanics, no scaling, recource cost or anything like that.

Wizards simply need a revamped spell list with an emphasis on utility/gimmick and severely increased cost on rampage/escape spells.

If you give wizards mostly rampage and escape spells, what do you really expect them to do?

No, wizards need to have to ability to use batons and tasers removed. It removes most of the risk from the risk/reward wizard gameplay when you can turn on spell shield and baton someone without them being able to fight back.

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RE: Yet another discussion on wizard changes - by mralexs - 10-20-2022, 05:03 PM

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