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Yet another discussion on wizard changes
I want to start by saying that I love both playing as wizards and fighting them. They make for action-packed rounds with lots of engagement and carnage. I know wizards are constantly being talked about because they are very powerful, and it's hard to balance them. I would like to raise a few of my suggestions and get some community feedback.

What I want to do: Is make wizards more balanced and better to engage in a fight

What I don't want: Is to make it too easy to fight wizards/unfun to play.

Change #1 Remove the wizard game mode. Having 1-3 wizards at once is a lot, and can be tough to deal with. But having 3-5 is insane for all but a full sec team. By removing this game mode and limiting the number of wizards to at most 3, I think we could stop insane rampages that leave most of the crew dead.

Change #2 As I said previously, limit wizards to no more than 3 at a time. With medium to high-skill players, they are able to absolutely wipe the floor with an understated/ uncoordinated sec team.

Change #3 Make the wizards truly technophobes. Given the wizard toolkit alone, you are already insanely powerful. But add some stolen sec weapons or others found on the station, and you become almost unstoppable. I suggest making the wizards technophobes and removing their ability to even pick up energy weapons. Not only does it help balance wizards, but it does not make sense for someone who wields "magic" to use energy weapons. To me, this also makes sense because they are described as technophobes on the wiki under Game Modes.

Change #4 Give wizards auto soul guard if they die before 15 minutes have elapsed. This will act more as a buff for wizards, but only for those who are unfortunate or new to the role. I feel helping new wizard players helps to better flush out the role.  a fancy greater domestic space-bee

Of course, these are my suggestions and I would love to hear what the rest of the community thinks! (Also P.S. I may have made a few grammatical errors.)

Messages In This Thread
Yet another discussion on wizard changes - by ImJustAStrangeMan - 10-19-2022, 10:26 AM

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