10-18-2022, 06:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-18-2022, 06:48 PM by nefarious6th. Edited 2 times in total.)
GPS, VR and Phones all would be highlights phones and vr make sense to me because ~electronics~ though maybe someone can make the argument of phones on a separate net or something idk they dont even got wires
Clothing, the layer is not intentional but a code issue/oversight and I do believe there are issue tickets on improper clothing layering on cyborgs open at this time (and have been open for a long time). Clothing layering is a notoriously tricky dev task to handle, but I promise it's not an intentional mechanic to bog the cyborgs' life down, it's just one of those things no one has been able to fix or look at in the depth needed to fix. More default cyborg skins could be cool, maybe some base jumpsuit colors without encroaching on the uniqueness of other clothing items, or large arrays of things in many colors like what's in the clothing booth. Though this gets into a matter of customization in that borgs thematically just...arent all that identifiable on principle.
I have no thoughts on batteries specifically other than it may be a matter of non-replication sort of in the same vein that you cant change your own head or chest. Some human-cyborg interface is good! cyborgs shouldn't be totally independent, it is a social game after all.
Killswitching is death in the same way a human being killed is. The body is still, for all intents an purposes, there to reanimate. IF someone cares, and that is what it boils down to for anyone, silicon or carbon. if someone switches you, fight to the death, idk. It's a deathmatch at that point, it's announced you're dying, so go out like you are (within whatever your laws allow). IMO, just like I am gonna fight against nukies or a vamp to the extent I can as a human when they're actively killing me, I treat a killswitch as my cue to do the same; either put up the final fight or get my dramatic monologue rolling. AIs and cyborgs can be rebuilt after killswitching. There's a benefit to having the brains fly out for safe recovery until someone can fix whatever the problem is and bring everybody back. kind of like people who preserve bodies until they have a suitable means to revive by. but that plays into the dynamics of the game. will you get revived? wont you? at the point of death, it's out of your hands, and this is universal for all players.
as far as behavior goes, I personally view silicons as a team. whether they're a cohesive team all on the same page is a different matter, but they're a team. when one silicon goes loud, all are liable to be punished for it because the amount of information that nonsilicons know about if and how you're colluding with other silicons is fundamentally limited.
if the matter of having your body destroyed and ignored on rp is a problem, I encourage you to not play silicon. playing as a silicon, fundamentally bound to laws and a role where you have some element of counter-guessing being done by nonsilicons, is a choice. I cant fault people for guessing wrong because they didnt have every piece of information about who is doing what, what they are doing, and when they're going to do it.
Clothing, the layer is not intentional but a code issue/oversight and I do believe there are issue tickets on improper clothing layering on cyborgs open at this time (and have been open for a long time). Clothing layering is a notoriously tricky dev task to handle, but I promise it's not an intentional mechanic to bog the cyborgs' life down, it's just one of those things no one has been able to fix or look at in the depth needed to fix. More default cyborg skins could be cool, maybe some base jumpsuit colors without encroaching on the uniqueness of other clothing items, or large arrays of things in many colors like what's in the clothing booth. Though this gets into a matter of customization in that borgs thematically just...arent all that identifiable on principle.
I have no thoughts on batteries specifically other than it may be a matter of non-replication sort of in the same vein that you cant change your own head or chest. Some human-cyborg interface is good! cyborgs shouldn't be totally independent, it is a social game after all.
Killswitching is death in the same way a human being killed is. The body is still, for all intents an purposes, there to reanimate. IF someone cares, and that is what it boils down to for anyone, silicon or carbon. if someone switches you, fight to the death, idk. It's a deathmatch at that point, it's announced you're dying, so go out like you are (within whatever your laws allow). IMO, just like I am gonna fight against nukies or a vamp to the extent I can as a human when they're actively killing me, I treat a killswitch as my cue to do the same; either put up the final fight or get my dramatic monologue rolling. AIs and cyborgs can be rebuilt after killswitching. There's a benefit to having the brains fly out for safe recovery until someone can fix whatever the problem is and bring everybody back. kind of like people who preserve bodies until they have a suitable means to revive by. but that plays into the dynamics of the game. will you get revived? wont you? at the point of death, it's out of your hands, and this is universal for all players.
as far as behavior goes, I personally view silicons as a team. whether they're a cohesive team all on the same page is a different matter, but they're a team. when one silicon goes loud, all are liable to be punished for it because the amount of information that nonsilicons know about if and how you're colluding with other silicons is fundamentally limited.
if the matter of having your body destroyed and ignored on rp is a problem, I encourage you to not play silicon. playing as a silicon, fundamentally bound to laws and a role where you have some element of counter-guessing being done by nonsilicons, is a choice. I cant fault people for guessing wrong because they didnt have every piece of information about who is doing what, what they are doing, and when they're going to do it.