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Silicon balancing
I have been around goon for a bit over 2 years, and what I have noticed most is behaviour around silicons and their respective mechanics
I'll try and split this up into sections for people to read it easier

Now, this one relates more to the RP servers than it does main, however killswitching I feel isn't RP friendly as it's the ultimate "Fuck you, killing you" console that allows you to remotely eject a cyborgs brain or turn off an AI without them being able to do anything, and escalation-wise, it falls flat as a cyborg could be building up to something and they get killswitched with a timer which is adjustable (Minimum I believe is 60 seconds)

Another RPish article but could be applied to classic. Typically when there are multiple silicons and they don't have a lawrack, it is technically okay to just kill them. In classic this is fine there aren't any rules against it. However in RP there may be about 6 silicons (for the sake of a scenario) and 2 of them may go and attack and kill crewmembers but the other 4 may attempt to block them (And their lawrack is destroyed or emptied). Now let's say the captain makes their way to the mainframe/upload with the robotics computer and killswitches ALL 6 silicons because of this and no rules obstruct it as the borgs are classified as antags making it okay to demolish them with tasers and flashes with no reprecautions despite the fact it is blankly ending the cyborgs rounds a counter argument to this is "Well they can be rebuilt" My argument against that is play silicon for a few rounds, have your body destroyed and watch as everyone walks past it because they don't care.

For both RP and classic, battery changing is a pain in the ass, silicons can't do it themselves and it is menial labour for a human. They should be able to replace their own battery as otherwise it's annoying for all parties involved

Secondary Killswitch idea:
This is RP only, if you don't care about it you can read another section, however the RP killswitches should have a cooldown of 180 seconds (3 mins) minimum rather than 60 seconds. This is because on RP escalation is required and you cannot go on a rampage with your remaining 60 seconds of life.

Finer manipulation:
Now, whilst I can't think of any examples off the top of my head, cyborgs can't perform some basic tasks that they should be able to (Just thought of one) Phone usage, the brobocop module may be used for a silicon to work a desk of security, however when someone uses the phone, all that a silicon can do is stare as the phone rings and then the dial tone because they cannot interact with it at all.

GPS death:
This is like the health implant, if it detects a borg dies it sends out the coordinates of where they died instead of just going "They died in space" so that the cyborgs that die in the debris field or asteroid field can still be found

Well silicons can't go in VR, simple as, they should be able to even if it is just into the sleeper pods for the VR

This is another article mainly for RP (Most of these are RP ones as I have played about 3 main rounds so I don't have a good idea on how busted or underpowered borgs are there) Clothing has two parts to it, the first being if a borg looses a limb or changes their screen face it goes BEHIND them, this looks ugly and the borg need s a docking station to fix it. The next part is borgs cannot synthesize their own clothes, and there would be two ways to fix this either A) when they are in a docking station expand the amount they can change accessories to involve clothes B) Add another fabricator into robotics with clothing that cyborgs can wear (so no shoes, gloves etc.) 

Now, this is all that I have to say, there will be points I have missed or overlooked or may just not know about, so comment them below then maybe when 2023 starts I might consolidate the issues that remain

Messages In This Thread
Silicon balancing - by EmeraldNotAminer - 10-18-2022, 06:12 PM
RE: Silicon balancing - by nefarious6th - 10-18-2022, 06:45 PM
RE: Silicon balancing - by babayetu83 - 10-18-2022, 08:41 PM
RE: Silicon balancing - by Silent Majority - 10-18-2022, 10:09 PM
RE: Silicon balancing - by Sacchi - 10-19-2022, 04:58 AM
RE: Silicon balancing - by nefarious6th - 10-19-2022, 12:35 AM
RE: Silicon balancing - by EmeraldNotAminer - 10-19-2022, 04:36 AM
RE: Silicon balancing - by LeahTheTech - 10-19-2022, 05:49 AM
RE: Silicon balancing - by Leeanei - 10-19-2022, 04:01 PM
RE: Silicon balancing - by babayetu83 - 10-19-2022, 10:47 PM
RE: Silicon balancing - by EmeraldNotAminer - 11-01-2022, 12:55 PM
RE: Silicon balancing - by Silent Majority - 10-19-2022, 07:08 PM
RE: Silicon balancing - by Lord_earthfire - 10-19-2022, 10:57 PM
RE: Silicon balancing - by Kotlol - 11-02-2022, 07:03 AM
RE: Silicon balancing - by EmeraldNotAminer - 11-02-2022, 07:15 AM
RE: Silicon balancing - by Kotlol - 11-02-2022, 07:36 AM
RE: Silicon balancing - by EmeraldNotAminer - 11-02-2022, 01:24 PM
RE: Silicon balancing - by GrungoFlorbit - 11-02-2022, 04:08 PM

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