10-15-2022, 04:10 PM
(10-14-2022, 04:45 PM)Chomusuke Wrote: How about biochemistry. Basically everyone starts with a potential of base chems and in rare cases slightly advanced ones (no full on secrets but maybe stuff like pepperoni or paper you know like basics). The kind and amount of chems would be random per shift and be inherent to the body rather then the genome itself.
Geneticists now need to go around scan people using their gene scanner for both genes that might be interesting as well as their chem potential and its stats. They take genetic samples aka blood and use pathology to manufacture a genome that can use the potential of chems to produce an injector or a pathogen.
The injector will add a new gene to the person which will then catalyze the production off the chems inside the person. The pathogen converts the persons blood the genome belonged to into a steady supply of the chems. Stats like production amount/frequency could be altered by sampling a lot of genomes from people and doing pathology magic
Make genetics able to work with plants as well. Adding and/or removing chems or (un)wanted mutations at the risk of changing the genome other relevant stats or destroying it.
If it isnt cursed enough already add another cryptic programming language based on the good old ATGC's where the gene sequence tells you what jobs different sections have and in order to splice they need to be inserted at a location where they dont cause the gene to malfunction or turn into another less complex and therefore less usable one.
I love basically everything in this post, minus the last programming language bit, because we truly don't need more of that. Botany inclusion is a big big yes, and I also love the idea of geneticists walking around and pricking people to get their DNA / blood, get rid of the database that lists everyone's genes and simply have them walk around. As controversial as it is, monkeys need to be replaced with humans / plants because it increases the amount of player activity. The monkeys make it so that geneticists will always prefer to grab them instead of a real person to research, and that lands us in the same problem territory.
Also, on the matter of injectors, I'd much prefer if a geneticist just had an injector that they can re-use, realistically it may seem unhygienic, but we already do this with syringes anyway and it would get rid of the 20+ empty injectors landing in the trash every shift.