Felix Azazel's Head of Security App
I know I'm a nobody and Felix already has three very, very reputable recommendations under his belt, but I felt like I should say some things as an "under the radar" security main who has played with Felix for a while.

Felix is very communicative and calm in the more dire of situations. I can rely on him as a Security Officer in most situations, and although I will admit that I have not RP'd with them as much as I want to, I work alongside Felix very frequently as a fellow security main, and I can confirm he is a very understanding officer, and is a true asset when it comes to interrogating a suspect or de-escalating a standoff. He allows me to do my job as a Detective in forensic analytics and investigations, and is always willing to offer backup when requested. He is aware of boundaries and is rarely ever overbearing in his security duties, which is a huge deal.

I was actually the Detective during that Canister Bomb drill round, and I believe that moment is exemplary in showing how capable Felix is as an officer. The bomb was locked behind a welded and bolted door in science. Despite having a full team, it was only Felix and I who took the initiative to defuse. It took us under 2 minutes to reach and "defuse" the bomb thanks to Felix's attentiveness and willingness to work together.

I strongly believe Felix would make for a great example of a model officer. Quick, concise, and well-aware of dire situations at-hand, I would love to see Felix with the beret and lead on Security by example.

Firm +1 from me.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Felix Azazel's Head of Security App - by SirSwagmeyer - 10-08-2022, 04:20 AM
RE: Felix Azazel's Head of Security App - by 0oze - 10-23-2022, 01:14 AM
RE: Felix Azazel's Head of Security App - by Cal - 10-26-2022, 12:53 PM
RE: Felix Azazel's Head of Security App - by mab - 10-27-2022, 03:50 AM

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