09-23-2013, 01:05 PM
there should be some kind of secret ling signal you can turn on/off
Like if you're a ling you can hit a button and with it turned on all other lings who examine you get a "you detect changeling pheromones coming from Steve Butts"
Whether they decide to respond in kind and work with you or murder you and eat you for sweet, sweet DNA is up to them, but if you want to take a chance and turn it on you can.
Like if you're a ling you can hit a button and with it turned on all other lings who examine you get a "you detect changeling pheromones coming from Steve Butts"
Whether they decide to respond in kind and work with you or murder you and eat you for sweet, sweet DNA is up to them, but if you want to take a chance and turn it on you can.