10-02-2022, 12:10 PM
(10-01-2022, 04:10 AM)Kotlol Wrote: If you TRUELY want to play on goon with a private thing. Don't be on station. Go somewhere else and do whatever there.
If you get found out, deal with it.
As an alternative: if you want to play a private thing with no interruptions, don't choose a round on Goon as the platform for that specific roleplay.
What I've done in the past, and I'm sure others have done as well, is have important/private RP in something like Discord DMs where we can take our time and control the variables and discuss things OOC as much as we want in order to have it play out the way we want. It works just fine!
Having the private or vital moments be elsewhere means that when I log into the game, I can do so with the intent of going with the flow and having random or emergent RP with anyone who I happen to see, instead of needing to have "specific plot moments" happen for my character's story. It takes a lot of pressure off me, and lets me just RP with folks and respond to what's going on without worrying that I'm going to ruin "the moment." The moment can be whatever it wants to be.
And honestly? The important stuff ends up happening in game anyway. And it's better because I couldn't plan it, and I didn't restrict it to just the folks I knew, and I ended up making new friends and building shared history with them. It's so, so much better.