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Fart Changes. Cooldowns and eating beans.
(10-02-2022, 02:51 AM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: Thing is, engineering is in a quite underpicked state already. We have established that fact in past dicussions. And this is a nerf for.... what reason again?

Sure you dont need farting for pipeburn. But burns in general need more diverse paths that engineers could take them. And locking farting behind an apartment would be the opposite of it.

If the atmospheric system would give more options to engineers (i'm kinda jealously looking at all the gasses tg servers got access to) i would gladly agree to lock the tedium of farting behind a department. But not in the current state.

Fair but that's why I want to put in a can of beans in Engineering so a player can bypass that route.
The reason farting is being "changed" is so those who get annoyed by spamming, don't need to do things.
And I am not NERFING it.. I am CHANGING IT.
More a BERF.
Remember how long you have to fart in that damn device pressing F to get the amount of farts to get a fart burn going.
By giving farts a COOLDOWN, but increasing POTENCY by beans... The idea is that you would only need to fart 3-4 times to get the amount it normally took.
Decreasing the time spend spamming the F key for 15 mins to a 2 min task.

Yes I do want to put in BEANS in the engineering department as a period to allow people to take this route without going down the kitchen/botany route.
But... by doing so.. the amount could be 1 fart under the effect of that food.

This would also open up air pollution game play with a chef making farty food to poison the air supply like an antagonist.

Look futher into the idea then just "Nerf engineering" the idea is to make the "F" spam go away, so engineers only need to do less farts in less time to get the job done.
Heck you can also just put in a bean burrito pacl in QM called "Gas Manufactoring crate.

So pretty much less Farts but more amount by eating something that we can put in Engineering, QM or be made by Botany or Cooking or heck even consume fartonium from science. This way we got multiplue routes to get farts going.

But I do agree more ways of making gas would be great... I feel gas science is very underutilized due to it's complexity and limited options.
Most do Chem and Telesci with the ocassional spike in ArtSci.
BuddySci is barely touched and so is GasSci.

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RE: Fart Changes. Cooldowns and eating beans. - by Kotlol - 10-02-2022, 04:21 AM

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