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Botany: mutagen, mutadone and QoL changes
Moving away from spontaneous mutation to relying on mutagen is no small endeavor. This affect the entirety of how botany works right now.


If mutagen is to successfully mutate plants 100% of the time, I really don't see the point of having 3 variants (stable, unstable and slurry). Especially if all the variants bring is higher stat randomization and the possibility of annoying genes.

The unstable gene is currently in a weird place where its a pain in the butt for plants that have many mutations while doing absolutly nothing for thoses who have only one or can only mutate on specific infusions.

Mutadone being able to undo gene strains is something that should already be in the game and its weird that its not. About it giving the stabilizer gene I'm less convinced, since the whole point of mutadone is to remove such things.

There is also the whole question of tray vs. infusion. So lets say mutagen in the tray enable mutations, what would the infusion do ? The same things ? Then why would you ever use it in tray if the infusion always work ?

I don't want all of this to sound too negative. I like the idea. But there is a lot of ramifications to think about here.

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RE: Botany: mutagen, mutadone and QoL changes - by Decarcassor - 09-28-2022, 09:56 PM

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