09-27-2022, 07:05 AM
imo the change was a good one. it encourages patching and repressurization of areas since everyone isnt just set with air for the rounds duration with one fill. o2 canisters arent super scarce, being in eva/toxins/engineering/mining and even med, before cryo is set up
filling the tiny tanks do give you a decent amount of breathing time, you just have to be smart with your usage of them opposed to just leaving them on the entire round like you used to be able to. also, having to hold your oxygen vs keeping it on pocket or belt isnt that big of a detriment? two handed objects are pretty rare, and all the air tanks fit into your backpack when youre done with them
filling the tiny tanks do give you a decent amount of breathing time, you just have to be smart with your usage of them opposed to just leaving them on the entire round like you used to be able to. also, having to hold your oxygen vs keeping it on pocket or belt isnt that big of a detriment? two handed objects are pretty rare, and all the air tanks fit into your backpack when youre done with them