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Martian Spriting Dump
Quote:Okay, 1: is this acutally going to be a gamemode or just admins being nice and giving someone this. 2:
not a gamemode, yet. Just some sprite work for what could work as one, with emphasis on pod/space fights.
There's a Martian base already located in space with a Martian tradesman. I could see if I could get a weapon coded there, like the Martian torquebow for x credits, or maybe you could trade a syndicate item for something heavier. Maybe arm some of the critters in there with some Martian weapons, and put a pod at the end.
That said I'm probably going to resprite the 2x2 (and 3x3 eventually) to look more fleshy, and making it all bruised and cut looking could be a cool damage overlay

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