09-21-2022, 05:23 AM
(09-21-2022, 02:59 AM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: I don't like magical stuff without some effort. Een the chaplain is very mundane in comparison to tg codebase ones. And there are invisible walls already, they are granted by mime eggs.
I would like to suggest an item to make the mime play more with the idea of mimicry of items, and give the mime a "faking" twist: the cloaking applicator.
The cloaking applicator comes with 20 charges. Recharges can be bought at the QM or by applying syreline on the applicator (4 per syreline).
Using the applicator turns a handheld item invisible for 30 seconds (apply a 95% or 100% transparency filter over the item and add a "invisible" prefix to it). While held in hand, the cloaked item shows no sprite and cannot be seen by the examine command. The item can still be seen by everyone that can see invisible ink (also removes the transparency filter from them).
Beyond that, add a traitor item that is a one-time use of this for 1 TC. Make a traitor mime hide the yellow cake right in front of the RD's door! Laugh in the face of the secass trying to flash you while wearing invisible sunglasses! Hide the block of plasmastone in the escape shuttle! Juggle with a maxcap TTV right in front of the captain.
Instead of adding in multiple invisible item interactions, thiswould enable the mime to make and play with real items amd make it look like they have nothing in their hand. Even the chat box would fake them adding invisible items in their pockets. The charges, the 30 second timer and the restriction to handheld items are there to prevent grief.
If you want to go further, make the applicator contraband, like the barkeeper's shotgun.
This would enable normal mimes to make their favorite stageplay, while enabling traitor mimes all kind of shenanigans (i'm waiting for invisible katana rampages).
This is a great idea. It'd be nice if doing so also silenced firearms, keeping with the whole silent mime aesthetic. Might be too powerful at that point though.