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Martian Spriting Dump
Okay, 1: is this acutally going to be a gamemode or just admins being nice and giving someone this. 2:
Sundance Wrote:Mothership damage overlay
75% (tis but a scratch)
[Image: 4zooYku.png]
overlay (you can't really see it, but it's there)
[Image: SHEmBlt.png]
50% (could use a plaster)
[Image: 6E2OzLl.png]
[Image: 5BNfWrE.png]
25% (live fast die hard)
[Image: bxmyEDL.png]
overlay (consists of 3 sprites, the fire is animated)
[Image: Oa9fpUU.png]
[Image: t39hIp4.png]
[Image: zsclw4s.png]

I think that the ship should BLEED rather than catch fire, the Martians are all about bio tech right?

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