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Possibly, in a very remote possibility, undo the item-arm nerf in shoves.
C-sabers are very very very very very very very.. I repeat VERY GLASS CANNON!
They can do as much if not more damage then a katana, but has no mobility.
It has a wide swing that is amazing and it can deflect attacks back at enemies.

We could go with giving it a tiny buff like. If blocking with the C-saber, any shove or baton attacks fail and result in the oppenent being disarmed (litterly)
But in doing so you drain your stamina quite a bit. And we all known at low to no stamina, you can't block and stuns will down you instantly.

There all complaints solved.
Remember that having your block up as a C-saber means your back is open and grabbing you will break the block. And with block up and you attacking you lose the advantage right away.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Possibly, in a very remote possibility, undo the item-arm nerf in shoves. - by Kotlol - 09-18-2022, 05:21 PM

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