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improvements to afterlife bar and job practising
I like the afterlife bar, but it can be improved a lot. first of all, add a chem dispenser. and like the alchohol dispencer, make it dispence all chemicals so you can give yourself, or your dead friends stuff like fluorosulfuric acid or some ????. secondly, add a booze-o-mat, because i really want some bo jack daniels to put in my mouth hole. third, add spectroscopic goggles, its something small but effective.

next is something big but cool, a practising world where you can go when you die. you can do different jobs like genetics, where you can change unlimited genes. or medbay where you have to cure some dummies from radiation poisening or a failed liver you have to cure. or science where you can test on dummies and give them saw arms, or make deadly chemicals, or have random artifact spawners to spawn artifacts you can research to know what they do. and that with all jobs so new and expirienced players can have learn how to play the game. i would definitely do these jobs one by one. and you might be asking, why dont you do the jobs when you are alive. well, you cant normally do that because clowns and antagonists, and people who think its funny to put the power out. and every job needs a room perfectly fit for the job they are doing. thats about it

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improvements to afterlife bar and job practising - by The_Kakapo - 09-18-2022, 09:45 AM

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