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Machine Translators and Rogue AI/Borgs
Marquesas Wrote:
Hokie Wrote:Because it's not already easy to be sneaky as a rogue AI. Seriously, the machine translator is one of the few leverages the crew may have against a rogue AI.

How, exactly? A sneaky rogue AI is rather un-destructive considering that the AI then can only pick off stragglers by stranding them in an airless room, and you have to be lucky to notice that.

Yeah the AI has like 2 good tools at its disposal: shocking doors, and playing with the airbridge. The former is really only a nuisance unless you have borgs ready to beat people up, but there's plenty of folks with access to insulated gloves who won't be impacted by it. (I guess they can also use the teleporter to spawn in monsters but I never see AIs doing it)

I mean I personally would like to see a bit more stuff to let the AI cause more fun chaos or maybe do fun gimmicks. If an AI holds back in any way or tries to be discriminate in its targets (i.e. only murdering people who have not recited the Special Loyalty Song to their new One Human Captain) that gives the crew enough time to easily get around the AI's few weapons

right now whenever I see someone upload a onehuman law I kinda groan because I know exactly what's going to happen next without variation and it's pretty dull frown

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