HoS Application - Cem Crowly/Private Tail
Okay, to start, I'll fully disclose that I haven't played RP much recently and haven't seen all of your changes.

In the past, I've seen you be very unbecoming of the behavior an HoS should display, you had a tendency to power game and be a bit quiet and hard to understand when you would speak with the team. Personally, I feel an RP HoS should be clear and concise as well as they should not be displaying these behaviors. As I said this is mainly past experiences and anecdotal at best but this application hasn't given me much more faith in change. I'll try to catch you on an RP round to see if I'm wrong and you've changed but currently I'd stand at a -1. I do still think you could be a good HoS with a bit of change to this behavior and some stepping up to lead but I feel like it has been multiple chances now and not much has changed.

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RE: HoS Application - Cem Crowly/Private Tail - by Drewmajor11 - 08-28-2022, 03:07 PM

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