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Wrestler Cyborg
Just a gimmick addition on how to allow the cyborg to box in the ring as well without hurting other humans.

1. Boxing glove arms:
Just some boxing glove arms that would be made in the robotics fabricator costing the same as light cyborg arms with an addition of some fabric, yet the arms also being as fragile as light cyborg arms. It would give the cyborg a new 'tool' to use, that would be some boxing gloves used alongside of their current module. They would not do any damage, but they would have sort of a counter for every punch they did and in that counter dealing the same damage as a human would. If the counter would reach 100 damage in total which would be then crit, the last punch towards the human would launch them back and maybe stun for 5 seconds or so, while playing some kind of knockout sound signifying the cyborg won. The damage counter should also reset for every new person hit or a new counter created for every person, so that we don't get someone punching a monkey a bunch of times and on the last punch abusing it on any human. The counter/counters could also just be reset by using the gloves in your hand.

2. Soft Bodied chest:
A chest piece costing the same amount to make as a light cyborg chest with the addition of some fabric, yet also being as fragile as a light cyborg chest. If the cyborg is punched in the chest it would do no damage whatsoever to the human yet if hit anywhere else the human would take damage as if without the soft bodied chest, but it would create a counter for any damage taken anywhere stacking them up till 100. When the counter reaches 100 damage the cyborgs brain would pop out and fling out of its shell while also playing some sort of knockout sound signifying that whoever fought the cyborg won. The damage counter could be reset in the cyborgs command tab and maybe an option to disable and enable the counter whenever. Inspecting the cyborg would maybe give a description of how much damage it has taken so far. The knockout sound could also play when the cyborg normally dies. 

These two pieces would work alongside each other allowing the cyborg for some wrestling action. Clearly weaker than a normal human in boxing since you cannot use the ropes to slam down on people, but I would think would still be a pretty fun gimmick. There is also the worry about making the robotics fabricator 'too full' but that is a whole another problem entirely which this suggestion isn't about. The gloves could do stamina damage, but personally I don't know if that would be a good idea giving an item for the cyborg to do 55 stamina damage without actually doing damage that can be used on all modules including brobocop, and that module is supposed to be a complete joke.

Messages In This Thread
Wrestler Cyborg - by IPingu - 08-24-2022, 08:22 PM
RE: Wrestler Cyborg - by Kotlol - 08-25-2022, 02:09 AM
RE: Wrestler Cyborg - by Redbacko - 08-25-2022, 05:31 PM

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