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I do worry that the item would be far, far too complicated.
Eighteen settings on one item? Yikes!

And will probably mostly be seen as something having bugged out in-game.

I want MOAR door crushes. Because they are rare, have an amazing sound effect, and because... well... crushing people in doors is fun!

I don't see how we need a homemade version. You an already cut the safety wire and get door crushes.

But I do like the idea of automatic door crushes, where it closes when someone crosses it, as a clown/staffie item.
Just maybe with less bloat! Just be like, auto-door crush. Carrying it makes it not happen to you.

Though it's actually a surprisingly powerful item, even if it just does that. Because it basically means you can ALWAYS get away from anyone. Because they will get doorcrushed and stunned so long as you can make it to any door. You could just double back and pick up a secoffs weapon, and murder them, basically for free.

Actually, maybe it IS rather too powerful to be a thing.  surprised fat and sassy space-bee

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RE: Oh a Door! SIKE BITCH FAKE DOOR CRUSHER THING - by Love - 08-16-2022, 10:41 AM

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