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let security officers swap their guns at secvends
I don't especially mind the idea.

I just kinda don't think it'll be used that much at all, and may not be worth the effort.

Seems like most people who play any amount of sec sort of settle on their 'favorite' gun, after trying them out, and that's that forevermore.

It's not like ending up with a choice you're not all that keen on for one round is especially crippling. Every gun sec can get is effective a ranged 'I win' button, just in different flavors, while you're seeing which one you like.

But hey, if someone wants to make it their pet project, and makes sure you can't, like, infinitely duplicate free powercells or something, why not, I guess.

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RE: let security officers swap their guns at secvends - by Love - 08-15-2022, 11:17 PM

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