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Vocal translator, but you can breathe with it.
(08-09-2022, 11:07 PM)Love Wrote: I never understood the idea of why one would want to balance something using the method of making things less fun, in a game.

N-not that I'm bitter.  surprised fat and sassy space-bee

Yes. Annoying monkeys are annoying. I can't really blame people for wanting to make monkey players suffer, as we have all suffered under the tyranny of griefy Test Subjects.
But if one tried to propose balancing roach's rad resistance with not being able to use floating text, you'd be laughed off the forums. For good reason.

The problem is roach players (like myself) don't tend to do annoying things since "HAHA I AM MONKE! I TALK FUNNY WITH TRANSLATOR AND CAUSE PROBLEMS"
I do agree roach's rad resistance and heat resistance is kinda ridiclous but you trade in TERRIBLE BRUTE DEFENSES wich is.. as you may guess.. the number 1 methode of players trying to kill you. Still though...

Originally being a roach, cow, skeleton and dino was suppose to be a bad thing and considered non human, but they changed that around.
Now it's an UPGRADE with a downside. (As it costs a point to get it)
Where as the PUG requires 4 points but is an overall downgrade and joke... ment to be hard mode.

Again not defending roaches, but showing a pattern.

Monkeys are suppose to be "downgrades/downsides" as a lore reason and also isn't unlocked from the start like roaches. (wich I stated before)
This means becoming a monkey is suppose to be "bad" like being a pug is "bad"

So why not give them this QoL? Cause you aren't suppose to want to be a monkey that's why. But... I can also ask why the mime cannot talk? Like at all...Mimes suppose to be silent, but should be able to break charater and talk riiiight? Seems like QoL problem too... but it's purposely chosen.

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RE: Vocal translator, but you can breathe with it. - by Kotlol - 08-10-2022, 04:18 AM

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