Complaint Self-spawned Admin Antag Ruined My Round
Everyone was targeted that round and I had no knowledge of other players who were antagonists. The majority of what I did that round was let the flock AI do its thing and spawned any players the drones killed as partitions so they could test out flock too. The only way to test a new/revamped feature properly is on a live server *without* the knowledge of every player or else they act differently than they would normally. It is part of the game, and thus I deemed it not necessary to give out antag tokens to antagonists, given the whole ball didn't get rolling until later in the round. You also did not know it was an admin spawned antag or if it had been picked naturally as a latespawn ghost role until I announced that I had been playing in OOC after the round. You were not targeted specifically, flock react to aggression and other partitions can assign you as a target. You are seeing malice where there is none, I was testing flock so that I could see what sounds needed to be changed as it is now currently in rotation. If you look at the commits, I immediately fixed something I otherwise would have not known about until/if someone brought it to my attention.

Admins can and will play the game too, and that does not mean you are owed anything if you happen to come in contact with them while they are playing. There is no obligation whatsoever to give out tokens, even if a whole round is "ruined". You had half a round to do antagonist stuff and it was your choice to come into contact with the flock that round, they were almost exclusively in security for most of the time they were ingame. I usually am quite free with antag tokens but this is rather silly.

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RE: Self-spawned Admin Antag Ruined My Round - by virvatuli - 08-03-2022, 04:31 AM

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