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[CLOSED PR] Reintroduces antag captains on RP
My problem is I seen some captains on RP being antagonistic to a degree too for a dumb gimmick or joke.
Heck one of them I was an antagonist and I litterly stopped antaging to break up the HoP and Captain fighting over a "FUNNY AI LAW"
Eventually a HoS came in and broke it up. I helped the HoS (since I was a detective antagonist and only security before that) and resolved it.
(Yes I did Ahelp this. They weren't an antag)

I cannot imagine what some true antagonist captains will do.... those funny laws? "BAM AI IS NOW AN ANTAGONIST TOO" within 5 mins.
So I agree with leeanei.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Reintroduces antag caps on RP - by Kotlol - 07-28-2022, 04:31 AM
RE: [PR] Reintroduces antag caps on RP - by Ikea - 07-28-2022, 10:38 AM

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