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A suggestion to NOT ADD THIS. (Text to speech AI)
Lately I seen videos of other SS13 servers giving text to speech to normal players, giving them voices and such. And while sound semi realistic and okay.
I can already say this...


Why? It's simple...
There is alot of little things that will change if it is ever added.

For one... Most accent's do not work with it. So you will not sound scottish with it, the rolling S's will not be said and such things.
So it ruins that lil thing.

For two... We all have our "voice" sound. Wich frog people, Squid people, Roach people having their own unique sound effect.
So you guessed it.. they will all have generic Text to speech voices. No more unique sounds.. they all sound the same as other crew.

For three... "eavesdropping"
You know when you are walking around the station and you hear someone talking behind walls or in the distance but can't make out what they are saying cause you don't have the "correct line of sight" of distance to hear their text?
TTS will surely make sure you either NEVER HEAR THAT AGAIN.. or YOU WILL HEAR WHAT THEY SAY THANKS TO TTS. Yep.

And.. uuh.. that's my "suggestion"
Let's not add this and keep it to admin only stuff at best.

Signed -
Kotlol (someone who probably didn't had to make this topic but did anyway)

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A suggestion to NOT ADD THIS. (Text to speech AI) - by Kotlol - 07-27-2022, 03:53 PM

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